The staff of RoxSpa Aesthetics. Pictured from left: Chona Moore, R.N., Orla Stewart, P.A.-C., and Charito Lagman, R.N.
Hyaluronic acid, newest FDA approved filer, replaces colagen that was previously used. Naturally occurring substance in collagen, does not need skin testing, lasts 6-9 months.
Photo Rejuvination

Newest FDA approved medical device. Employs 2 novel electro-optical components. Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) and Equally Distributed Fluence (EDF) for non-ablative skin rejuvination. Currently the most effective skin rejuvenation treatment available.

Laser Hair Removal
Newest FDA approved device for permanent hair reduction. Employs 2 novel electro-optical components. Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) and Equally Distributed Fluence (EDF) for Photoepilation making it the most effective and safest treatment for Killing active hairs.

Cellulite Treatments
Injections of safe, proven formulas of natural substances into the fat layer, resulting in destruction and shrinking of fat cells. We use standardized, proven formulas as established by the American Society for Aesthetics and Mesotherapy.

Purified protein administered via tiny injections directly into the muscles.
Chemical Peels
Acid skin peel using refined new formulas for spectacular results. Glycolic aacid peels for no downtime, a deeper peel than glycolic acid available. Microdermabrasions recommended for ultimate results.
First and only medical device for eliminating cellulite and fat. Uses ELOS combination treatment of infrared light with electrical radiofrequency energy along with suction to trigger metabolism of fat, breakdown of fibrous bands of cellulite, increase circulation.